Business plan:
It is proposed that the business of each of the Haiti children participating will be that of providing services over the internet and getting paid for those services via PayPal (or the Google equivalent).
Each provider will be an independent agent (like being a paper boy). He (she) will describe the service to be provided, and execute that service when requested. Typical services which could be supported by a Google nexus tablet (or similar) would be 1. Photography (though I am not sure how the forward facing camera will work), interviews (using Skype), simple investigations , Google searches for the less internet adept, help desk for Nexus features, tutoring (as you become proficient in subject areas), monitoring of whatever, …
Each participant will secure a loan sufficient to purchase a tablet (brand to be his choice). Assistance including the loan of a tablet to gain required experience and track record will be provided. It is anticipated the financing will be via cloud funding (everything you need you can get on the internet).
Each participant will repay his loans in a timely fashion.
Each participant will pledge to help another child repeat what he has done.
Each provider will be free to discontinue any business (or transfer to another), and start a new business, at any time provided existing commitments are met.
Participants will own the business, and can sell it to another.
Dave F
current passion:
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