Thursday, August 16, 2012

Questions to the people of Haiti

  1. What were the conditions of “Normal” (before the earth quake)
  1. Did you have enough to eat?
  2. Did you have sufficient clothes?
  3. Did you have a place to stay?
  4. What did you do?
  1. What are the conditions now?
  1. Do you have enough to eat?
  2. Do you have sufficient clothes?
  3. Do you have a place to stay?
  4. What do you do?
  1. What conditions do you hope for?
  2. As a long term goal, which of the following would you be interested in:
  1. Vocational training
  2. A  high school degree
  3. A chance to become a US citizen
  4. A chance to travel to the US as an exchange student
  5. Being adopted (by a US Citizen)
  6. Being adopted in Haiti
  7. Being employed
  1. In Haiti
  2. On the internet
  3. Other
  1. A college education
  1. What is the most important thing short term.
  2. In your own words what can be done to help?

Problems using tablets to access the wiki

My plan was to email posts to the blog and then copy into the wiki,  This gives a chanch to clean up the posts, and arrange them in some order on the wiki.  I am having difficulty selecting the blog enty content and pasting into the wiki.

Works fine from a pc.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Educational resources available on the WED

Educational resources available on the WED
I am continually surprised at how much training is available on the web:
Software manuals:
There is so much information on writing APPS (and free) we might consider writing Haiti specific APPs.  Maybe a artificial Haiti game with all the tricks to survive.  Say you could sell it for $0.99 each, there are 375 million tablet computers sold each year. Estimating 1 000 000 000 potential buyers, with .001 % for a popular APP, and only 10% buying the non free version, you still earn $100000.
The iTunes education (would need an IPAD):
APPs available from the Android market:
US Universities:
Dave F
current passion:

What are the conditions in Haiti?

I know I am ignorant of conditions in Haiti, so my “solutions” may not work at all. Please take them as a straw man set of actions we can do.
When I was a 11 year old I got a paper route with the Denver Post. That job was hard work, but to Me it was freedom.  My family had sufficient money, but we were raised to be self sufficient. I could now indulge myself with things like gas powered model planes. I was the typical lazy, 11 year old, but I worked. From that job I bought a “paperboys” bicycle, then a Vespa motor scooter. I had a cardboard box between my legs full of papers.
I found out I derived a lot of status from that motor scooter in Jr. High School. Since Colorado allowed 14 year olds to be licensed for motor scooters, there we quite a few parked at helpful household near school.
My point is that “Greed” hooked me at an early age and it worked out for me.
I think if given the opportunity it could work for others.
What can the kids of Haiti do to achieve a similar result and what would an acceptable outcome be?
My preconceived notion is that being able to provide for themselves, partially or fully is the desired result.
My additional notions of achieving an education and employment via the web, may be too long range to attract attention.
What are more appropriate goals?  Let me help.
And others will want to help also.  Not necessarily charity, you have something many desire, an understanding of Haiti. And sure, charity.
The process is called brainstorming, where an idea is submitted, and it stimulates others to have similar, possibly better ideas.
current passion:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

To become a non profit entity or not.

Establishing ourselves as a registered and recognized 501(c)(3) in the United States, can be a pain, and require filing yearly reports. On the other hand, the incorporated status protects the participants and provides a level of review so we don’t wander of the path.  Finally, that status would remove a barrier for contributors. I saw one published cost at $500 dollars.  I propose we investigate with a goal of achieving non profit status for under $200, and that we hire a person in Haiti to monitor the filings.

no reward from your Father who is in heaven

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. ...
I set up a Blog, I bragged on Facebook, and felt good about myself.  I got two “awesome”s  one from my daughter, and one from my sister in law. I truly did get rewarded.  I will have to do something else to earn some rewards in heaven.
Dave F

Vision for the biggest possible result

I have a hope that a substantial number of the current slave children are both freed and in a better situation.
I have a hope that a smaller number of  kids will be able to earn their own tablet, and using the tablet, achieve a significant education, resulting in financial independence and possible citizenship in the US.
I have a hope that through the kids thus trained, people, such as myself can commission acts of kindness, with the kid acting as the cultural expert to keep us from causing harm.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wiki FAQ

Popular Help Pages

Business plan:

It is proposed that the business of each of the Haiti children participating will be that of providing services over the internet and getting paid for those services via PayPal (or the Google equivalent).
Each provider will be an independent agent (like being a paper boy). He (she) will describe the service to be provided, and execute that service when requested. Typical services which could be supported by a Google nexus tablet  (or similar) would be 1. Photography (though I am not sure how the forward facing camera will work), interviews (using Skype), simple investigations , Google searches for the less internet  adept, help desk for Nexus features,  tutoring (as you become proficient in subject areas), monitoring of whatever, …
Each participant will secure a loan sufficient to purchase a tablet (brand to be his choice).  Assistance including the loan of a tablet to gain required experience and track record will be provided. It is anticipated the financing will be via cloud funding (everything you need you can get on the internet).
Each participant will repay his loans in a timely fashion.
Each participant will pledge to help another child repeat what he has done.
Each provider will be free to discontinue any business (or transfer to another), and start a new business, at any time provided existing commitments are met.
Participants will own the business, and can sell it to another.
Dave F
current passion:

Testing link in blog

Make wiki instruction here
Dave F
current passion:

Impressive.  I created this message and moments later it appeared on the blog, and I am editing this in.
Notice, the entry to the haitieducationproject.  If blog entries are made by logging into google, your name would appear instead.

In the event you do not have a google account, you can still do blog entries by viewing the blog and click on the email link (I will need to move this into the blog description)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ask to participate

Please post your email address here (as a comment and I will add you to the authors).  The advantage of this is the comments will indicate who is talking. Also, all the email posts will known to be anonymous.
email posts are to be sent to:

Email posting

You may post to the blog by emailing. .
Pictures of Haiti and your setup would be nice.  We don't need to worry about form so much as substance.
Dave F.

Modelling the Haiti effort after the work in India

World Vision - India |

World vision has been in business for a while.  Compare and contrast to assure the new plan addresses all issues.

Also see: Haiti Food and Care.  I see this project, the Haiti Education Project, as focusing on a few, relatively well off children in Haiti, who never the less will need help to be self supporting.  Their employment will support online schooling, but will also accept tasks which help the poorest, and most needy children.   It is to address the need for people wanting to help to help without wasting their resources traveling to Haiti in person.  And it places an expert on the needs of Haiti, the effected child, in a position to optimize the good.

This is an enormous expectation for the ability of those helper children. We will discuss the feasibility of doing that with those  children.

Comments?  We are just at the beginning stages, consider this a straw man proposal.